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Red Rubber Gasket Material (SBR)

Red rubber gasket material is a good choice for applications that don’t need high-temperature capability or resistance to oils and other chemicals. A blend of natural rubber with styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR), red rubber has characteristics that let it perform well in the right application.

Examples of the “right application” include sealing against water, air, and to a lesser extent, steam. With a durometer of around 75 Shore A, SBR red rubber has good conformability and resilience, so it does well with uneven flange surfaces. Swelling is a problem when it’s exposed to oils and fuels. It will be attacked by solvents and hydraulic fluids and it has poor ozone resistance, which limits its use around high voltage equipment. In addition, it is broken down by UV light, so shouldn’t be used outdoors.

Red Rubber Gasket Material Specifications:

Durometer:  75 Shore A
Tensile Strength:  600 psi; 250% elongation
Temperature Range:  -30°F to 170°F
Thickness:  1/16” to ¼”
Width:  48” rolls, sheet cut to your specifications

One strength is abrasion resistance, which is useful in more dynamic sealing applications. At 600 psi and 250% tensile strength and elongation are both moderate when compared with newer, (and more expensive,) elastomers. The practical lower temperature limit is -30 °F and the upper limit is around 170 °F.

SBR red rubber gasket material is produced in rolls 48” wide. Thicknesses go from 1/16” up to ¼” and Hennig Gasket & Seal can cut the sheet to whatever size is needed.